
Eat These To Lose Weight Easily

Many ways to lose weight exists. Some has been formulate into a food diet. And despite this, prove a failure to some persons that try the formula.
The various ways must have some common evidence if it will work for all or rather be of some help to many.
The best evidence for losing weight is food or dieting. What you eat is what you are and what you become.

Less And Less Carbohydrates: Okay, we begin with sugar and starch. Our body is very sensitive to absorb these foods items.  Sugar and starch that help you put on weight will be our number one food item to help in weight lose program.
Nothing can be far from this truth.
So, you have to take away some sugar and starch or carbohydrates and fruits that are very high in sugar in the diet.
Sugars and starch stimulate the secretion of insulin into the blood stream. Insulin is a fat storage hormone. Insulin is need to burn sugar. But when it becomes low, the body will start to burn fats instead of carbohydrates or sugar.
So, it seems right and reasonable to remove all carbohydrates (carbs) and sugars from the diet, right?
The answer is negative. Carbs form part of a healthy weight reducing agent.
Our body needs starch and sugar. The muscles, nerves and brain need sugar as a special and primary nutrient or fuel.
More so, one should made a conscious effort to identify the sugars and starch that is contributing to a person rapid gain in weight. What goes good for one can be bad for another.
Is it potatoes and sweet potatoes? Is it white bread or commercial custard? Is it the refined sugar use in tea? Or is it the fruit juice with “added sugar”? Conscious effort should be made to write down the carbs you eat for over a week or more.. Which do you think raised your weigh? Cut it down or reduced it and your weight reduce.
Did you know convenience foods and fast take away always make you gain weight? Fast food like potato chips, ice creams and juice has too much starch and sugars in them. They only make you put on unwanted flesh, that is a health risk.
Go for natural complex starch and sugar. These are unprocessed and retained all their natural balance and helps in weight reduction. Limit your intake to between 15 to 20 percent and not more.
By this, your body will burn more fats and especially unhealthy fats that are deposit as wastes in the body. Because these complex starch and sugars steadily released their by products into the blood stream, the rate in which they metabolized is low.
Always remember that sugar stimulate the secretion of insulin. This is a basic fact. Also, when starch is converted to sugar after digesting, the steady release of sugar or glucose into the blood stream is safer than the release of white or refined sugar that is released as a gush into the blood. Try brown sugars in your teas and custards; and use same in mixing your cakes and dough for making bread, especially brown bread. Brown bread should be prefer over white bread.
So, removing unnecessary sugars and starch in your meal will lower your insulin level and make you lose weight.
choice your carbs from whole tubers, and leafy greens and fruits that are low in starch and sugar.  Pick carbs that are low in Glycemic Index GI and Glycemic Load GL. A carb with GI of between 1 t0 20 is fair enough.
The same could be said of fruits and vegetables. For example, cucumbers are very low in GI. The GI of a cucumber fruit is 1. Its carb content is 4g.

Fats and Oils: are another food group that lowers a person weigh. Good sources of fats and oils include red meat, egg yolk, butter, cheese and milk. Others are peanuts and peanut oils, almonds, olive oil and cod liver oil. Palm oil and coconut oil are another excellent source of oils and fats.
Some oils like coconut oil very rich in Medium Chain Triglycerine MCT and are more satiating; and easily burnt your metabolism rate.
Egg yolk in particular is a natural fat. It has some fatty acid and helps lower blood cholesterol from bad to good level. It is a must eat for every one that desire to lose weight.
Eggs have all that it takes to support life. An egg in reality is a source of life. It should be enjoyed. Its many bioactive elements particularly antioxidant helps in the health of the eyes.
Milk is another good fat food. Milk supported life well. A baby depended on milk while in infancy for all mineral, vitamin, fat, protein, and sugar. The fat in milk is a good food. It is easily digestible and can help in your weight lose plan.
Red meat should be well enjoyed. It is a good animal fat.
Eat butter and cheese instead of magarine. Butter and cheese are more satiating too.
These fats from animals are natural, safe and good without any health risks.
Many years ago, it was thought these animal fats cause ill health like hardening of the arteries, hypertension and other heart related diseases.
Now recent scientific research has shown that it is the chemical processed refined oils and fats that is a cause.
Eat red meat, egg yolk and mutton or lamb and chew it well. Eat unrefined vegetable oils like olive oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil and palm oil. Palm oil can be cooked into a bleached form and used for frying. This is much better than any of the refined vegetable oils with added chemicals and additives.
These oils and fats are harmless. They will not cause any heart disease as it is commonly feared.
Hydrogenised fats like margarines should be used sparsely in the diet. Or substitute it with peanut butter that has no added chemical or additives. Read label before you buy it.

Animal and Vegetable Proteins: Protein is another food group that can help you lose weight.  Protein is the material from which the body is build up.
To lose weight, get your protein source from high quality animal protein. Lean meat is one of the best source of animal protein. The lean cut should be at least 95 percent. The remaining 5 percent should be a fat.
Egg white is another good source of animal protein. Egg protein contained all the essential amino acid that the body needs for growth and replacement of dead tissues. One should eat at least 30 percent protein daily along with other foods to lose weight.
Fishes and sea foods make an excellent source. Sardines, mullets and salmons, shrimps and lobsters should be enjoyed freely. Sardines, mullets and salmons are reputed to contain omega -3 and -6 fatty acids that keep the heart healthy.
Vegetable proteins are not a reliable source of amino acid, the building block in a protein. All vegetables especially pulses has proteins. Two vegetable proteins like soya and corn is better when taken in combination. So combine two or three pulse for better result.
Your protein in a plate of meal for weight lose purpose should include 2-3 eggs, lean meat, brown soya bean and peanuts or any legume sources, especially green bean.
Green bean has less carb. 1 cup will deliver 34 calories since it has a GI and GL of 3, but good in fiber that will give you a feeling of being fill.
As protein is more satiating than carbs and fats, it will not make you hungry and crave for unnecessary chip foods. So your metabolic rate will be raised.
Should you feel like eating, you can chew a cup of cucumber or carrots, an egg plant or garden eggs. These fruits are very low in carb. They carb value is insignificant and your metabolic rate will still be raise up. You should lose weight instead.
Other good animal proteins are lamb, turkey and fowl.
Add fruits and vegetables regularly to your meals. Certain fruits and vegetables are high in carbs and sugars. They should be avoided at all cost. Instead, pick the ones that are very, very low in starch and sugars, and high in dietary fibers. This will help to raise your metabolic rate further.
For example, cucumbers, melons, papayas, guava and pineapple; tomatoes, brussel sprouts  spinarch are low in sugars and starch but high in dietary fibers.
Foods should be first in every weight lose plan. But to get maximum benefit, an exercise is suggested or recommend. An inactive body always accumulated waste matters in the form of unwanted fats. To help break it down and flush it out of the body, a physical activity can be useful in all cases. When you exercise, you lost some weigh or a few pounds. A short exercise of five minutes will not give the desired result. Exercising 30-60 minutes will result in enhancing your weight lose efforts.
You can do the exercise in your living room or gym. Exercise 2-3 times in the week. Your exercise should be moderate or vigorous. Here you will burn some fat or calories that will result in weight lost.
One of the best exercises I like for weight lost is jogging. Jogging for one hour three times in a week will do the trick with the suggested foods above. You will get more benefit if you jog slowly for one hour for a distance of say 1/4 of a mile.
Jog regularly on fix days. Schedule the days say Monday, Wednesday and Friday; or Tuesdays and Thursdays. Much as you are determine to lose weight, can you jog morning and evening on your scheduled days? This can speed up your weight lose.
Take the Saturdays to eat only fruits and vegetables. Do not eat any protein and fats not even from cereals and seeds. Do not eat any carb. The proteins in the fruits you eat is insignificant in this issue. Drink some water along, or have a cup of green tea. Green tea has been note to raise metabolic rate.
This is an additional avenue to break down fats from the body, and lose weight.
To your good health!
Miebakagh57 (Miebakagh Fiberesima) Copyright 2014.

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